Ephraim Rabin, CEO of Parchem - fine & specialty chemicals leading change at the 2014 Logichem

by Jacob Klein
Publish: October 27 2014

Ephraim Rabin, CEOEphraim Rabin, CEO, Parchem – fine & specialty chemicals is an invited speaker to the 2014 Logichem annual conference being held Novemeber 3-4  in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Mr. Rabin will be part of an illustrious group of panelists who represent a broad array of fortune 500 companies. Logichem is the premier event for Chemical Supply Chain and Logistics professionals who come together to discuss best practices, innovative ideas and the most cutting edge supply chain management developments.

During the Logichem conference, Mr. Rabin will lead a discussion on Feedstock Trends: Bio-Based Chemicals On The Rise? Additionally, he will share the dais with two colleagues and provide his perspective on Strategic Sourcing: Reducing the Risk with your Supply Base and Delivering Savings that Enable Competitive Advantage. For the past 15 years, Mr. Rabin has established Parchem – fine & specialty chemicals as one of the leading global chemical companies, marketing specialty raw materials. Additionally, as a highly sought-after leader within a myriad of industries, he has launched three other successful businesses that are thriving within their own right. His insights and highly valued contributions to help shape the many facets of the chemical and supply chain management industry continue to be unparalleled.

Parchem – fine & specialty chemicals is a leading global supplier of specialty chemicals, servicing many industries such as personal care & cosmetics, nutrition, coatings, pharmaceuticals, performance, and specialty chemicals. Parchem prides itself on innovative business technologies that ensure efficiency and expert strategic solutions that result in sustainability.

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